Tomb of the Unknown Poppy

After every Remembrance Day ceremony in Ottawa there is a ring of photographers around the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier waiting to get the perfect picture of a hand placing a poppy on the tomb. Inevitably and understandably people get irritated with us for taking up the real-estate, but we are just trying to make the pictures for the next days front pages. I didn’t feel like getting barked at this year, so I took the high ground.

People lay poppies on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
People lay poppies on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier following Remembrance Day ceremonies at the National War Memorial in Ottawa November 11, 2011.     REUTERS/Blair Gable     (CANADA)

I took this frame in 2008 and it is probably one of my most published images; it is also the most downloaded / stolen.

A hand on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa

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